
Thursday, August 24, 2023

First Year of Retirement: 7 Financial Pitfalls to Steer Clear Of



Embarking on your golden years after years of hard work is a monumental achievement. Retirement has finally arrived, presenting you with the opportunity to delve into the next phase of life. As you navigate this transformative journey, financial decisions hold paramount importance. With the transition to a fixed income and the need to optimize your investments, the financial landscape can feel daunting. But remember, you're not alone in this endeavor. Learn from these invaluable insights shared by financial experts to sidestep potentially costly monetary blunders.

Table of Contents

1. The Thrill of Retirement

       •Embracing the Promise of Golden Years

2. Relocating Wisely: Navigating New Territories

  •Considerations Before Packing Your Bags

  •Balancing Dreams and Practicality

  • He Importance of Extended Visits for           Informed Decisions

3. Balancing Your Investment Strategy

  • Rethinking Retirement Investments

  • The Reality of Prolonged Retirements

  • Ensuring Lifelong Financial Support

4. Strategic Timing for Social Security

  • Beyond Automatic Social Security Claims

  • Navigating the Complexity for Maximum Benefit

5. The Blueprint: Having a Financial Plan

  • The Perils of Unplanned Retirement

  • Anticipating Income and Expenses

  • Avoiding Overspending Pitfalls

6. Navigating Initial-Year Expenditures

   • First-Year Temptations: Budgeting Wisely

   • Striking a Balance between Desires and       Financial Realities

7. Investment Balance: Caution and Risk


    • Unraveling the Investment Balancing Act

    • Sustaining Retirement Lifestyle through Balanced Investments

8. Mitigating Fees: A Financial Imperative

  • The Fee Conundrum: Unseen Impact

  • Understanding and Tackling Investment Fees

  • Exploring Cost-Effective Alternatives

9. Guidance of Financial Experts

  • The Value of Professional Financial Planning

  • Collaborative Efforts for a Secure Financial Future. 

Relocating to a New Area


The allure of leaving behind a desk-bound life can be irresistible. Yet, financial planner Carl Holubowich, CFP, from Armstrong, Fleming & Moore, Inc., urges caution when considering relocating post-retirement. The ties that bind—family, friends, and healthcare—are crucial factors. Moreover, the financial implications of such a move could be substantial. A shift from short-term visits to year-round living requires careful deliberation. Holubowich recommends extended stays in potential new homes during various seasons to make an informed choice.

Shifting Your Entire Portfolio to Cash and Investment Safe Investments

Holubowich aptly warns against excessive conservatism in investment choices post-retirement. With longer lifespans, adopting a more balanced approach is crucial. A portfolio designed to sustain decades is essential for lasting financial security, especially considering the likelihood of one partner living into their 90s.

Claiming Social Security Immediately

Retirement doesn't mandate an immediate Social Security claim. Holubowich underscores the complexity of this decision, emphasizing a well-planned strategy could result in significantly higher benefits over a lifetime. Delaying Social Security, even until age 70, can yield substantial advantages.

Not Having a Plan

Entering retirement without a financial plan is a common pitfall. Holubowich underscores the vulnerability this exposes retirees to, leading to unforeseen financial challenges. The absence of a plan could lead to overspending early on, forcing a constrained lifestyle later.


The initial year of retirement often tempts individuals to indulge in deferred desires. CEO Steve Sexton warns against overextending budgets on vacations and home improvements, which could jeopardize long-term financial security.


Taking on Too Much Risk

Striking the right balance between conservative and risky investments is key. Sexton advises that overly aggressive growth-focused investments can lead to financial instability during market downturns. A portion of investments generating steady income is vital.

Paying Too Many Fees

Kendall Meade, CFP, emphasizes the increasing impact of fees as balances grow. She underscores the necessity of understanding fees and exploring lower-cost investment alternatives.


Should the complexities of retirement overwhelm you, seeking guidance from financial experts is prudent. They can help you review your financial landscape and design a robust plan, ensuring the security you've worked so hard to achieve is enjoyed in your retirement journey.

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